Spring is here

Spring is here and the wildlife is flourishing in South Florida. The ducks are beautiful and full of spring fever. The great blue herons are in full mating colors and displaying mating behaviors. Anhinga males are keeping themselves beautiful for their mates. The blue winged teals are preparing for the season. Great white egrets are…

Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens

On Saturday April 18th Jo and I, along with Lulu from our bird group, visited Fairchild Gardens in Coral Gables Florida. We originally decided to visit the gardens as part of a larger bird club outing but after an illness with the coordinator the expected attendance was reduced to only a couple of people. Those…

Kermit at Channel 9

Kermit the Frog, Jim Hansen of Muppet fame, was a guest on Bozo’s Bigtop show circa 1973. I was able to capture a couple songs he sang during the program. See if you can remember these: It’s not easy being green Sing A Song The photo is a shot of me, circa 1973, dressed as…