We were bored. This is week #7 for us not being able to get outside and enjoy life due to the CoronaVirus-2019 version.
This stop-motion animation was based on Blue Sky Clayworks QUEEN OF HEARTS HOTEL by Heather Goldminc as the centerpiece. Jo, my wife, created these wonderful scenes around our home for special occasions. They are usually based around the holiday theme with Heather Goldminc’s Clay Works iconic ceramic creations.
Our way of coping with the need to create versus the must for staying home. This is a short stop-action film about building one of Jo’s table scenes she created for Valentines day. We were admiring it and decided to make a short film about it’s construction. We spent the better part of the first day planning and shooting green screen tests. We shot and I produced a green screen version but wasn’t at all happy with the results so I decided to shoot it again and differently. 8 hours later and 500 images later I began a 20 hour production. Every image had to be touched and sequenced. Both cell phone’s KineMaster editor and Vegas Pro was used for the final production.
This project is full 1080 HD. Jo and I had a great time with it. It’s a cross of both of our favorite hobbies, Jo’s “scene” making ability and my love of video production. Until we got into it I didn’t even realize that I had the technical resources to pull it off.
Technical information: Photographed with Canon 5D Mk IV in a temporary studio we constructed in our dining room. The original 6K images were managed and hand painted using ACDSee Ultimate then pushed to Vegas Pro 16 for editing then to KineMaster for encoding and music.
This is basically a 3 day adventure with shooting, testing, shooting, testing, re-shooting, frame re touching, and editing 10 times. I’m fortunate that Vegas worked very well with the ACDSee process for easy touch ups. There are more than 450 single, re-touched frames in this production created in an area and with equipment not really meant for critical animation.
Final encoding is 1920×1080 P for a clear video. It’s best viewed in HD. Music is copyright Davey Digital from Kinemaster.
I hope you enjoy.